SECTION 202 AND SECTION 811- DEVELOPMENT TEAM REFERENCE GUIDE For Project Development and Preservation

Richard Silverblatt Associates, Inc.
Development Milestones

Fund Reservation

State/Local Approvals

Firm Commitment Application

Pre-Construction Conference

Initial Closing

Construction Period

Rent-Up and Marketing

Pre-Cost Certification Conference

Cost Certification

Project Rental Assistance Contract

Occupancy Requirements

Final Closing


Developing a Strategy for Project

Applying for a Contract Rent

Reviewing Replacement Reserves

Refinancing a Section 202 Direct Loan

Preparing for REAC Inspections

Establishing a Project Library


HUD Bookletters

HUD Forms

HUD Handbooks

HUD Information & Web Sources

HUD Notices

HUD NY HUB Handouts

Practical Guide to 202/811 Terms

Preparation of the Owner's Progress Requisition

At the HUD Initial Closing, the owner submits Form HUD-92403-CA, Requisition for Disbursement of Funds, for the first draw down of funds to cover items that HUD allows to be paid at that time. (Click on Preparation of the Owner's Initial Requisition for details).

During the construction period, the owner submits a Requisition Form HUD-92403-CA periodically to HUD following a requisition meeting at the construction site or to draw down funds not related to a contractor's request for progress payments.

Title Continuation Letter

Attached to the form must be a current letter from the title company, commonly called "a contin", stating that the title is free of any mechanics liens or other impediments which would prevent the title company from insuring the title on this project. The letter must be dated not more than ten days prior to the date of the signed Requisition and the title letter must bear an original signature. Any deviation from this must be cleared by Mortgage Credit at HUD.

What is Included

The total from the Contractor's Requisition, Form HUD-92448, is included here as a line item. Usually, a progress invoice is also submitted by the project architect for construction supervision. Other invoices to be submitted on the requisition may include for example engineering fees for testing and inspection, title fee for a continuation report, property taxes incurred after the HUD initial closing date, housing consultant fee for services during construction, startup and marketing expenses, and furniture in the common area of the project. Approved amounts for necessity change orders are to be included, but it is recommended that they be put on a separate requisition form in the event that there is a delay in obtaining a HUD approval for the completion of change order work.

New: For projects that have a Fund Reservation letter dated from 2012 or later, HUD requires that the Owner include the LOCCS Voice Response Voucher for Grant Payment, Form HUD-27053 along with the Form HUD-92403-CA cited above. All Owners who are required to use LOCCS must now register with eLOCCS so the requests for payment will be done electronically and not by a phone call. Click here for information on conversion to and registering in eLOCCS. In some cases, for earlier fund reservations, the LOCCS/VRS form is required if the firm commitment was submitted to HUD after a specific date. Confirm with HUD to determine whether this form will be required for pre-2012 projects.

Where to send the Requisition

The Requisition, one original, is to be submitted to: Shevon Smith, Project Manager, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 26 Federal Plaza, Room 3200, New York, NY 10278-0068.

Mixed Finance Procedures-Mixed Finance projects will submit requisitions to HUD in accordance with an approved Construction Coordination and Disbursement Plan. The Plan spells out in detail the requisiitons that must be prepared for review by HUD, the role of other funding entities during the requisition process and how the funds will flow from requisition to payment.

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