For Project Development and Operations

Richard Silverblatt Associates, Inc.
Development Milestones

Fund Reservation

State/Local Approvals

Firm Commitment Application

Pre-Construction Conference

Initial Closing

Construction Period

Rent-Up and Marketing

Pre-Cost Certification Conference

Cost Certification

Project Rental Assistance Contract

Occupancy Requirements

Final Closing


Developing a Strategy for Project

Applying for a Contract Rent

Reviewing Replacement Reserves

Refinancing a Section 202 Direct Loan

Preparing for REAC Inspections

Establishing a Project Library


HUD Bookletters

HUD Forms

HUD Handbooks

HUD Information & Web Sources

HUD Notices

HUD NY HUB Handouts

Practical Guide to 202/811 Terms

HUD Handbooks

Handbooks for Section 202 Program, Applications and HUD Processing

4571.3 Section 202, Supportive Housing for the Elderly
4571.5, Section 202, Conditional Commitment to Final Closing

Handbooks for Section 811 Program, Applications and HUD Processing

4571.2, Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities
4571.4, Section 811: Conditional Commitment to Final Closing

Handbooks for Section 202/811 Architectural/Engineering Services

In addition to the links below, the project architect should consult relevant HUD Handbooks in the 4571 series.

4910.1, HUD Minimum Property Standards for Housing, 1994 edition

4460.1 REV 2. Architectural Analysis and Inspections for Project Mortgage Insurance

Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS)

Making Davis-Bacon Work, 2004. Handbook for General Contractors

Handbooks for Management and Operations

4350.1, Multifamily Asset Management and Project Servicing

4350.3, Occupancy Requirements of Subsidized Multifamily Housing Programs

4381.5, The Management Agent Handbook

Handbooks for Cost Certification

4470.2, Cost Certification Guide for Mortgagors and Contractors of HUD-Insured and Section 202/811 Multifamily Projects

2000.04 REV-2 CHG-1, Consolidated Audit Guide for Audits of HUD Programs
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